
Today, I was make my own barbie clothes. I woke up @6 am to made a Hainan Rice for breakfast, and I continued made a tiny clothes. Actually, the barbie is my niece's, I just helped to make some clothes. So, I decided to made a denim vest, Hawaiian tank top, and denim skirt. I got the denim materials from my friend's pants, Tari. She asked me to cut her jeans near to my house, and after the tailor cut it, I beg the denim 'scrap' and so does the Hawaiian materials pattern.
I can't made a button's hole, so I cut the clothes and added an obi as a belt, creative huh?
What do you think guys? What does the style called? Hawaiian edgy? :P

Ehm, btw, today is my 1st month anniversary. Thanks God my PMS doesn't ruin this day at all, and I can (maybe) keep my ego turn off. Keep unyu :P
Maybe unyu sounds gross for anyone else, yeah anyone else but us :D

Adios xo...


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